Our next meeting is on Tuesday 6th August 2024 at Lawrence Batley Theatre (upstairs meeting room) 6.15 to 7.45pm.

Huddersfield Prostate Cancer Support Group

Pilates Sessions

Zoe runs a dedicated monthly Pilates session for the group. The next one will be on Tuesday 13th August 2024 at the LBT 6.15 for 6.30pm

Payment is not compulsory but a £4 contribution is suggested.

Open Water Experience

Our first open water splash / swim / knee washing took place on Friday June 7th.

Event Support

We support local wellbeing events and give advice on prostate cancer testing:-

Buddy Training

A Buddy Training course, run by Tackle, was undertaken by 8 of our members in October 2023:-

Christmas Curry

We celebrated the first full year of the group's formation with a Christmas Curry

Social Strolls

We organise a social stroll most months. Watch this space for details of our next event.